Cinderella Movie

I'm definitely watching this! Not for the story, I suppose there is nothing new to tell... My personal favorite Cinderella story is the one starring Drew Barrymore, Ever After: A Cinderella Story. I have watched it more than a dozen times, almost once every year since it was first released!

So, as I already said, I am absolutely going to watch this new Cinderella for one reason: THE COSTUMES!! Cate Blanchett, who is playing Cinderella's evil step-mother, really intrigued me. She might be mean & vicious but she looks extremely stylish. I need to take some notes on that!

In theaters, March 13, 2015
Are you planning to watch it?

|barefoot duchess|

Photo Sources:
Vogue, What Would Cinderella Wear?
Turn the Right Corner, First Full-Length Trailer for Cinderella (131 Screenshots)
Disney's Blog, See the New Posters for Cinderella
Disney's Blog, Vogue Has The First Look at the Costumes of Disney’s Cinderella, Cinderella
Goodfon Wallpapers, Cinderella Movie