Skirt // BOOHOO
Shoes // NEW LOOK
Crown // Stradivarius, similar here
Top // Stradivarius, similar here
Coat // ZARA (very old), similar here
Bag // ZARA (old), similar here
If I don't dress up, it means that I am not well, physically or emotionally. The ritual that I follow is very dear to me and when I can't do it, for various reasons, that depresses me. Whenever anyone asks me in an annoyed tone of voice why I am all dressed up all the time, my answer is a question: Why aren't you?! No, really! Looks awkward to me that people dress casual or have messy hair or wear flats on special events, but I deeply respect that. It's their choice and their right to do whatever they want as long as they don't hurt or insult others. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you!
I shall never apologize for dressing up, doing my hair, wearing makeup or walking on high uncomfortable heels, no matter what's the occasion. This is who I am, this is what I want to look like and how I perceive myself in everyday life. I don't steal, I don't kill and I don't insult others by looking polished, right?
|barefoot duchess|
Photos by The Duke