Since the day I shared that I am turning 40, many of you sent me messages asking me to share the beauty products I have been using. However, I don't think that it's the products that make the difference, but the mentality I live by and the rituals I follow ever since I was 19!
Here are some tips based on the way I treat my body and my skin on a daily basis for the last 20 years. However, these apply and work for me, so this is no "recipe"
I drink a lot of water (2-3 L every day) and moisturize my skin twice daily. It doesn't matter really what is the price or the brand of the moisturizer, as long as the skin is hydrated inside and out. Do some research and find the cream that suits you best. Clinique, L'Oreal Paris, Caudalie and Jurlique are a few of my favorite brands.
If you don't know what "well" means, then I suggest you pay a visit to a nutritionist, at least this is what I did in order to put my metabolism back on track. Keep your sanity with little treats once a week, because it feels awesome to spoil yourself every now and then with some ice cream or a croissant. Let me now if you need more info.
Do your check ups and visit your doctor whenever you feel it is necessary. I have Hashimoto, which is an autoimmune disease, so I visit my Endocrinologist at least once a year. Other medical doctors that I have scheduled appointments every year are my Gynecologist for pap-test and gynecological ultrasounds, my Dermatologist to check my moles and, of course, my Dentist. Prevention is the key to a healthy life.
Do whatever suits your lifestyle, as long as you keep moving and sweating. Ever since I was a toddler, I have been working out by doing classic or modern ballet, latin, tango, aerobics, jogging, kick-boxing (that one lasted only 6 months) and yoga. It makes me feel strong and revived every single time. Avoid working out when you are ill, feverish or injured. It makes things worse.
A lot! I love walking, fast or slow, doesn't matter, if I could I would walk everywhere instead of taking my car or the subway. If you don't have time to go to the gym or for a run, just walk for 30 minutes. It is the least you can do for your body.
6-8 hours daily. You feel rested, your brain works better and faster and your skin is glowing.
Too much makeup will make you look older. Trust me, I've been there and I am not going back!
|barefoot duchess|
Photos by The Duke