I Have A Thing With Doors // Photo Diary

Benaki Museum of Islamic Art in Psyrri, Athens

Those of you who follow me on Instagram, know how obsessed I am with doors. Especially the old double ones. I don't know why I am so attracted by them, maybe because I am curious what's inside and hoping that a beautiful door hides more beauty behind it. Sometimes I am lucky enough to accidentally take a peak if someone opens them, but only for a few seconds, because I respect the privacy of people who live or work there. 

I have a huge collection of door photos that I am very proud of and I will keep my eyes open for more! And if I ever become rich, I will buy a house with a door like this, maybe in Athens, in Patras or in Paris!

For more old door photos, follow me on INSTAGRAM.

|barefoot duchess|

All photos by Moi

Anafiotika, Plaka, Athens

Le Marais, Paris

A Special Highschool in Psyrri, Athens

Riga Ferreou, Patras

Anafiotika, Athens

Karytsi Square, Athens

Acropolis, Athens

Asomaton, Psyrri, Athens
Chalandri, Athens
San Gimignano, Tuscany

Ios, Cyclades

The Embassy of Spain, Areopagitou, Athens

Psyrri, Athens

Palaiologos Hotel, Patras

Near Lysikratous Square, Athens
Acropolis, Athens

Psyrri, Athens

Psyrri, Athens

Anafiotika, Plaka, Athens

Kyparissi, Lakonia

Lysicratous Square, Athens

Keramikos, Athens

Riga Ferreou, Patras