TGIF today and I can't wait for the weekend to begin! The plan, as always, is to get the best out of it!! But first, there are some blog stuff I wanted to share with you.
First of all, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your love, support and kind words about this blog. Every time I receive a sweet comment from you, I feel like I grow a cm taller! And it is not just about me, there is a bunch of people behind this effort; the Duke is a great part of this blog: he is the photographer, the golden sponsor and the greatest cheer-leader of my personal choices; my family; my friends; some of my fellow bloggers, Greek and foreign, and I am sure I am forgetting someone... I am not in this alone, I never was and this is why it is still going on and growing, slowly, but it does. Thank you, from the bottom of heart!
Not to be misguided, this is not a post about charity or anything like that. It is more superficial: about me sharing what I love with you and giving something in return for your support.
- DISQUS: I finally replaced Blogger comments with Disqus, so now you can ask me anything you want about my outfits or other posts and I will be able to answer all your questions right away! Previously, there was no 'reply' option on my template...
- TUMBLR: I changed the template (new theme by Club Monaco) and now you can see my daily inspiration on Fashion and Food fully displayed and in large photos!
- GIVEAWAY: It is still on until Monday, 02/11/13 and it is open internationally! Good Luck!!
|barefoot duchess|
Photo via here