Vichy Bleu


Top & Skirt // Ko.Misses
Shoes // Soludos (very old)
Bag // ZARA (old)
Earrings // Accessorize (very old)

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On my blog, I wear, photoshoot and write about ONLY what I like and love. This happens to be slightly risky in this business, however the problem would be much bigger if I were untrue to myself. 

I cannot pretend someone I am not, that I like and suggest something would never wear or that I use a product that does not match my expectations. All this, of course, comes with a cost. It's not being snobbish or anything like that. It's just me being... me. 

Ever since I was a little girl, I was very honest and clear about everything that involved me and if I didn't want to do something I would say NO, most of the times leaving others in shock, especially the "grown-ups"! Truth is that, although it is so easy and natural for me to say "no" when I don't want something, for a split second I might feel bad, but I know I will feel much worse if I say "yes" and not mean it. 

There is nothing more important in my value system than being honest to myself. Sleep peacefully at night. Know that I did not betray me. And I dread the moment I would say something I did not mean, be someone I do not recognize. 

It is a great joy and content for me that more than 20.000 people trust me, women mostly (93,5% of my followers on Instagram and 94.2% on Facebook are women). I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I promise you that I will never ever tell you something I don't mean. Ever. 

|barefoot duchess|

Photos by The Duke